Public Domain Super Heroes

Real Name

Jesus of Nazareth, ישוע‎, ישו‎


(c.) 7–2 BC


(c.) 30–36 AD

Historical Background[]

Jesus is the central figure to Christianity. His story is told in the Christian Bible. During his life as a carpenter, he taught about the way of God and preached forgiveness and salvation before being crucified (the cross is a symbol of Christianity because of this) to atone for the sins of the world. After a three-day and period in Hell where he declared victory over Satan, he was resurrected. He then spent a period of forty days on Earth after his resurrection which ended in his ascension to Heaven. It is said that he will one day return to Earth to judge the living and the dead.

Public Domain Comic Appearances[]

  • Santa Claus Funnies #1
  • Picture Stories from the Bible (New Testament) #1
  • Classics Illustrated Special Issue (1955 series) #129A - The Story of Jesus

See Also[]
