Public Domain Super Heroes

Real Name


First Appearance

Bambi: Eine Lebens­geschichte aus dem Walde (1923)

Original Publisher

Ullstein Verlag

Created by

Felix Salten


Bambi is a roe deer fawn (a white-tailed fawn in the American adaptation) born in a thicket in late spring one year. Over the course of the summer, his mother teaches him about the various inhabitants of the forest and the ways deer live. When she feels he is old enough, she takes him to the meadow, which he learns is both a wonderful but also dangerous place as it leaves the deer exposed and in the open. After some initial fear over his mother's caution, Bambi enjoys the experience. On a subsequent trip Bambi meets his Aunt Ena and her twin fawns Faline and Gobo. They quickly become friends and share what they have learned about the forest. While they are playing, they encounter princes, male deer, for the first time. After the stags leave, the fawns learn that those were their fathers, but that the fathers rarely stay with or speak to the females and young.

Public Domain Appearances[]


  • Bambi: Eine Lebens­geschichte aus dem Walde (1923)


  • Bambi Meets Godzilla (Unauthorised, 1969)


  • While the original 1923 version of Bambi has been public domain since 2022, the 1939 sequel and the film adaptations are NOT in the public domain.

See Also[]
