Public Domain Super Heroes
Brett Donaldson

Real Name

Brett Donaldson

First Appearance

Amazing Adventures #3 (May-June 1951)

Original Publisher


Created by

Leonard Starr


Professor Brett Donaldson tried to relax by enjoying television to discover that his set was picking up interference from somewhere. He was alarmed to read in the morning paper that three atomic scientist all died in one night from radiation poisoning at the same time he experienced interference on his TV. He heads to the hosiptal to speak with the doctors to get more information only to discover another atomic scientist named Professor Higi Yoshowa was dying from the same causes as the others.

Higi describes what lead to his condition to Brett Donaldson. The brain of Kon Tiri, Japan's "worst criminal", was being studied by Professor Higi Yoshowa, the "head of the department of comparative physiology at a leading university in Japan". While giving a lecture on the brain, Hiroshima is hit with an atomic bomb. Higi survives the blast, only to see it grow into a powerful Cosmic Brain with atomic energy.. Higi Yoshowa then passes away from radiation poisoning.

Leaving the hospital, Brett Donaldson encounters the Cosmic Brain attacking the city by controlling some to act violently and using its radioactive brain waves to kill others. Brett Donaldson takes shelter from the radiation in a lead lined air raid shelter and after the the attack was completed seeks to stop the Cosmic Brain of Kon Tiri from causing more destruction.

He attempted to use a large electric calculator to devise a way to stop Kon Tiri only to find out the machine had been going haywire since the attack on the city. The building was then attack by a tank equipped with a heat ray operated by men under the Cosmic Brain's control. Donning a lead lined suit, Brett knocked out the drivers of the tank and took control of the vehicle aiming the heat ray at the brain cloud only to find it had no effect.

He then realize changing the polarity of the ray to fire at absolute zero should destroy the brain once and for all. Brett then successfully used the absolute zero freeze ray to destroy Kon Tiri's Cosmic Brain for good.

Public Domain Comic Appearances[]

  • Amazing Adventures #3

See Also[]
