Public Domain Super Heroes
Captain Aero

Real Name


First Appearance

Captain Aero #1 (1941)

Original Publisher


Created by

Ed Murphy & Ray Willner


Captain Aero was an American flying ace who fought the Germans as well as the Japanese during World War II. He was assisted by his friend Buster, members of the Sky Scouts fan club and his sidekick, Chop Suey. He flew a specialized plane that seemed to be able to use its propeller like a buzzsaw.

Later, Captain Aero became a shirtless science fiction hero, flying to other planets and battling injustice throughout the solar system.

His enemies included the Black Lama, Blue Falcon, Black Baron, and more.

Public Domain Appearances[]

  • Captain Aero #1-26
  • Blue Beetle #13
  • Veri Best Sure Fire Comics #1

See Also[]
