Public Domain Super Heroes
Chicken Little

Real Name

Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Chicken Licken, Chicken Kluk

First Appearance

European folk tale

Created by



Chicken Little, also known as Henny Penny, Chicken Kluk, or Chicken Licken is a superstitious, typically female chicken, who was brought into a panic when an object such as a leaf or acorn falls on her head, believing it to be a piece of the sky that has fell - she then communicated this to everyone in her town, often including a king, and creates mass hysteria. Following this, a hungry male fox, typically named Foxy Loxy, takes advantage by offering the townsfolk a room in his cave, where he then proceeds to kill or eat them.

Public Domain Comic Appearances[]

  • Four Color #60, 140

Public Domain Comic Appearances Inspired by Chicken Little[]

  • Mysterious Adventures #24 - Farm girl Chick Little is hit on the head by an acorn. She thinks the sky is falling. She runs off and has encounters with hipsters, United Nations, psychiatrists, quiz shows, etc. At the end, the planet Mars looms over her farm; she and her father are grabbed by Martians.


  • The story of Chicken Little is often seen as a political allegory for fearmongering and its exploitation.
  • The basic plot beats of the Chicken Little story were previously used in the Buddhist scriptures, and would later see use in the story Brer Rabbit Takes Some Exercise.

See also[]
