Public Domain Super Heroes
Quavo the Minstrel

Real Name


First Appearance

Queen Zixi of Ix (1904)

Original Publisher

St. Nicholas Magazine

Created by

L. Frank Baum


Quavo was a minstrel from Noland who traveled often between his country and the Land of Ix.

Quavo played the harp, and in his travels sang of other lands he had visited, serving as a source of both entertainment and news. Like all newsmongers, in addition to singing of true events, he also embellished and created his own stories.

After spending some time in the city of Nole, Quavo traveled to Ix where he performed for Queen Zixi, singing stories of the Magic Cloak. The Queen was pleased to hear his news and he was rewarded with a gold chain.

When Queen Zixi declared war on Noland, Quavo hurried back to Nole and gave the news to Counselor Tullydub.

Public Domain Appearances[]


  • Queen Zixi of Ix


  • The Magic Cloak of Oz

See Also[]
