Public Domain Super Heroes
Quetzal, Aztec God of Justice

Real Name


First Appearance

City of the Living Dead (1952)

Original Publisher

Avon Periodicals

Created by

A.C. Hollingsworth


Quetzal is the Aztec God of Justice. When Torque and his band of escaped prisoners shipwreck on Gulf Coast of Mexico, they seek refuge in Quetzal's city of Quetana AKA: the City of the Living Dead. There, they find an Aztec treasure trove of gold artifacts and all subsequently die of yellow fever.

Quetzal reanimates them. He informs them, "Evil ones, you have profaned my city! Eternal punishment shall be yours! Even in death you shall not rest! Forever shall you roam in living death--suffering the tortures of the damned!"

When Anne Martin arrives at Quetana with her husband, Bob, they are captured by Torque and his band of undead cutthroats, who intend on drinking their blood for sustenance. Quetzal appears, stopping them.

Powers and Abilities[]

Quetzal can teleport. He can re-animate the dead, while maintaining their awareness and memories.

Public Domain Appearances[]

  • City of the Living Dead