Public Domain Super Heroes

Real Name


First Appearance

Abbott and Costello #2 (April 1948)

Original Publisher

St. John

Created by

John Graham, Lily Renee, and Eric Peters


Tawanna was a jungle girl in the heart of Africa who had a run-in with Abbott and Costello. She disliked the pair's intrusion into her domain and demanded they leave. She later had an encounter with a pair of unscrupulous treasure hunters named Lulu and Eric. Eric had knocked her out, while Lulu impersonated her as part of a plan to steal the treasure from a nearby village. Abbott and Costello were freed from the tree she was tied to, and the three of them went to the village to stop Eric and Lulu.

Tawanna revealed Lulu's deception, and the pair were forced to flee the village in a volley of spears. Tawanna offered Abbott and Costello some of the villagers' treasure, only for them to find out all the jewels were fakes.

Powers and Abilities[]

Tawanna was surprisingly strong, capable of carrying both Abbott and Costello easily and throwing them great distances.

Public Domain Appearances[]

  • Abbott and Costello #2