Public Domain Super Heroes
The Ghost

Real Name

Henry Sufferige

First Appearance

Wow Comics #2 (Summer 1941)

Original Publisher


Created by

Jack Binder


Henry Sufferige was the president of the Orphan Society, a charity which collected money for orphaned children. He was secretly laundering money from the organization and in order to throw off suspicion, he became the Ghost and along with his gang dressed as ghosts and skeletons set off to frame another board member, Mr. Jones. His plan was foiled by Mr. Scarlet.

He'd later be recruited to the Death Battalion. In addition to Ghost, the team included The Brain, The Black Thorn, The Black Clown, The Laughing Skull, Dr. Death (2) and the Horned Hood.

Public Domain Appearances[]

  • America's Greatest Comics #1
  • Wow Comics #2