Public Domain Super Heroes

Other Names

Horned hare, horned rabbit, warty rabbit, Lepus antilocapra

First Appearance

Jackalope taxidermy (1932)

Created by

Ralph Herrick and Douglas Herrick


The jackalope is a relatively recent mythical creature originating from Western North America, appearing as a rabbit with antlers, and on rare occasion upright hind legs. They are said to be brutally dangerous, make great milk, imitate human language like a parrot, and enjoy whiskey. Jackalope hunting season occurs on June 31st (a day that does not exist)


  • The jackalope myth is believed to be inspired by the Shope papilloma virus, which causes horn-like appendages to gruesomely grow on a rabbit's body.
  • Unlike most mythical creatures, the jackalope can be traced to a source, Ralph and Douglas Herrick circa 1932.

See Also[]
