Public Domain Super Heroes

Real Name

Chuck Lane

First Appearance

Smash Comics #22 (May 1941)

Original Publisher


Created by

Paul Gustavson


Chuck Lane was a rookie cop who felt he could do more good than by just being a cop alone. He learned his ancestor was a jester in a medieval court and used his ancestry to base the costumed identity of Jester. As the Jester, Lane became a comical crime fighter making a laughing-stock out of his enemies. Chuck wore his jester costume underneath his cop uniform.

Villains he fought include Lady Satan.

Powers and Abilities[]

The Jester was known to be unpredictable and would use his eerie laugh and jingling bells to intimidate criminals.

Public Domain Appearances[]

  • Smash Comics #22-85


  • Although the Jester never teamed up with any other Quality Comics characters on panel, he made references to knowing Midnight, Lady Luck, and Daffy.
  • The Jester's costume is nearly identical to the one worn by another character of the same name from an earlier comic starring Madame Fatal. There is no in-story explanation for this.

See Also[]
