Public Domain Super Heroes
Public Domain Super Heroes
Julie Schmartz

Real Name

Julie Schmartz

First Appearance

Go-Go Comics #5 (February 1967) - Mentioned Only, Go-Go Comics #6 (April 1967) - Full Appearance

Original Publisher

Charlton Comics

Created by

Gary Friedrich and Grass Green


Julie Schmartz the Bestest League of America superhero team union president. He originally called Green Trashcan to let him know about the superhero strike, but later when the BLA and the Marvelous Heroes went to battle one another, both Stan Wee and Julie Schmartz, the BLA union president, arrive to tell them the strike is over due the US President and the Comics Code declaring the strike unethical.

Public Domain Appearances[]

  • Go-Go Comics #5-6


  • The character is an obvious spoof of Julius "Julie" Schwartz.
  • Julie Schmartz is in the public domain thanks to a lack of a proper copyright notice (any work published without one between 1923 and 1977 immediately entered the public domain).

See Also[]
