Public Domain Super Heroes

Real Name


First Appearance

Space Patrol #1 (Summer 1952)

Original Publisher


Created by

Phillip Evans, Paul Newman, and Bernard Krigstein


Landing on Terra, the Lady of Diamonds watches as Commander Buzz Corry take Major Gorla and his lackey, F6, into the Space Patrol headquarters. She plans to dispose of Gorla before her involvement is revealed. She sends her henchman, Lieutenant Kraznoff, to kill Gorla, F6, Happy, and Buzz.

Seeing Kraznoff's rocketship, Cadet Happy pushes Commander Corry out of the way in the nick of time. Gorla and F6 are shot when Kraznoff strafes the group with guns, but Buzz and Hap escape. Commander Corry says it will take years to restore Gorla and his underling to consciousness.

Watching Kraznoff's "space car" speed away, Buzz identifies it as a Minijet 299. Commander Corry and Hap report the space car's make to Space Patrol Security Chief, Major Robbie Robertson, before taking up pursuit in their own spaceship. Kraznoff heads for the forbidden planetoid, Vesta to avoid capture. There, he asks the Swamp Queen for sanctuary from the "United Planets". Vesta is a haven for criminals, and the Swamp Queen welcomes Kraznoff.

Buzz and Happy land, and are quickly captured by the group of criminals.The Swamp Queen shows them a huge lens, used to create a "paralyzing ray" that can paralyze the entire universe for 48 hours. She offers Buzz and Happy the chance to join them. Commander Corry refuses to do so. Hap jumps on the lens and ruins it. The Swamp Queen turns it on, injuring Happy. An "inter-atmosphere Space Patrol unit" investigates the light ray from Vesta.

The unit lands and beats the criminals into submission and clear out Vesta, "once and for all', as Major Robertson say. Hap has lost his eyesight in the incident. Happy recovers in the hospital, his eyesight to return in a week. He is commended by Commander Corry and Major Robertson.

Public Domain Appearances[]

  • Space Patrol #1-2