Public Domain Super Heroes
Lucky Bunny

Real Name

"Lucky" Lily Spencer

First Appearance

Any Snap Shot (2013)

Created by

Carter-Ethan Rankin


Catching the Easter Bunny in action one year in her teens, the Easter Bunny was surprised to find that "Lucky" Lily Spencer could see him as she should have stopped believing in him years ago! When they touched, Lucky was granted with the same powers as the Bunny's: a good luck power and the ability to jump at super heights and speeds!

She uses these powers to fight crime alongside of whatever teenaged heroes happen to come her way: She loves team-ups!

Powers and Abilities

  • "Good luck" power
  • Jump at super heights and speeds


Becomes powerless throughout Easter weekend as the Easter Bunny needs his powers back to travel the world providing Christian children with gifts and sweets.


  • Lucky Bunny is an open source character created specifically for use by anyone. Feel free to use it any way you wish; author citations are not necessary.
  • In 2013, Carter-Ethan Rankin chose to create 30 new characters that he would voluntarily release into the public domain. Lucky Bunny was #26.