Public Domain Super Heroes
Public Domain Super Heroes
Margo the Magician

Real Name

Margo Webster

First Appearance

Uncle Sam Quarterly #2 (1941)

Original Publisher


Created by

Bill Bydem


Margo the Magician was the daughter of the famous stage magician the Great Presto. Like her father before her she also became a stage magician. However, she secretly could use real magic just as her father could and became a crime fighter.

Powers and Abilities[]

Margo is shown to have the ability to create very convincing illusions using mass hypnosis. Her other magical feats in her only appearance included telekinetically bending guns and immobilizing a group of soldiers by transforming their feet into trees, though these could all be part of her mass hypnosis.


Margo transforms soldiers' feet into tree roots.

Public Domain Appearances[]

  • Uncle Sam Quarterly #2

See Also[]
