The Marvelous Heroes are a superhero team whose union president is Stan Wee who is assisted by Jack Curly. They are lead by Reed Righteous also known as Mr. Fantabulous.
Their members include Fumin' Scorch, The Wisp, Great-Big Huge Man, Captain Americuss, Scrap-Iron Man, Mr. Fantabulous, Thore the God Thenthathional, Thang, Hunk, and Spider-Dan. They fight supervillains such as the Red Skeleton.
The Green Trashcan, self-proclaimed leader of the Bestest League of America, goes to meet with the Marvelous Heroes at their headquarters to discuss the superhero strike. The Marvleous Heroes kick their rival hero out of their headquarters prompting the Green Trashcan to gather the BLA for battle. The two groups begin to battle it out, but then their respective union presidents arrive to tell them the strike is over due the US President and the Comics Code declaring the strike unethical.
Public Domain Appearances[]
- Go-Go Comics #5-6
- Some other Marvelous Heroes such as Invisibubble Girl, Scare Devil, and Tin Can as well as the villain Red Skeleton are only mentioned by name and do not appear in Go-Go Comics.
- The characters are an obvious spoof of Avengers.
- The Marvelous Heroes are in the public domain thanks to a lack of a proper copyright notice (any work published without one between 1923 and 1977 immediately entered the public domain).