Public Domain Super Heroes
Misfit Toys


See Below

First Appearance

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (December 6, 1964)

Original Publisher


Created by

Romeo Muller & Robert L. May


The residents of the Island of Misfit Toys are sentient toys who all have some strange quirk about them. Because of said quirks, these toys feel that there is no human child who could possibly want to play with them. As such, King Moonracer brings them to stay on the island until suitable owners can be found.

Santa's 9th Reindeer, Hermey, and Yukon Cornelius first encounter the Misfit Toys upon accidentally landing on their island. The Misfit Toys explain their predicament to the trio through the song "The Most Wonderful Day of the Year".

In the special's original broadcast, this was the toys' only scene, with the only resolution to their subplot being that Santa Claus promises to find homes for them after Santa's 9th Reindeer tells him about the island, and later says that the island would be his first stop on his annual run that year.

Members of the Misfit Toys Include:

Public Domain Television Appearances[]

  • Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (December 6, 1964)


  • The character of Rudolph is not in the public domain and, thus, cannot be used without permission. He was created in 1939 by Robert L.May and his first appearance was renewed. However, he has been popularly referred to as "Santa's 9th Reindeer."
  • Like the character, the song, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, is NOT in the public domain so avoid using details which are original to it.
  • The copyright year in Roman numerals for the special was mis-marked as MCLXIV (1164) instead of the correct MCMLXIV (1964). This invalidates the copyright under U.S. law at the time, which required a valid date of copyright be affixed to the production meaning that still images from the special and all of the characters unique to it are, as a result, in the public domain.

See Also[]
