Public Domain Super Heroes

Real Name

Faye Morgana

First Appearance

Super-Mystery Comics vol. 3 #3 (January 1943)

Original Publisher

Ace Magazines

Created by

Earl Da Voren


Faye Morgana was a powerful sorceress who sold her services to the Nazis during World War II. She was assigned the task of sabotaging American factories and destorying the heroes known as Sword and Lancer. She was eventually captured after she attempted to betray a villain named the Genius.

Powers and Abilities[]

Morgana used her magical powers very sparingly, but they included powerful telekinetic abilities. She more often relied on her henchmen and conventional weapons. She sometimes carried a whip. In Europe, she commanded a small army of hooded Nazi cultists. When she came to America, she brought The Hun and The Goth with her as her henchmen.

Public Domain Appearances[]

  • Super-Mystery Comics vol. 3 #3, 5-6
    • vol. 4 #1-4


  • Faye Morgana is clearly based on Morgan le Fay of Arthurian legend.