Public Domain Super Heroes
The Noid

Real Name


First Appearance

Domino's Pizza Commercial (1986)

Original Publisher

Domino's Pizza

Created by

Tom Masters


The Noid is a gibberish-speaking humanoid creature who takes pleasure in destroying pizzas with a variety of gadgets, and takes sole responsibility for every botched or late pizza delivery. He can only be stopped by Domino's Pizza.


  • The Noid, the phrase "Avoid the Noid", and the Domino's Pizza brand are registered trademarks.
  • The Noid's television commercials were released without copyright notices and not registered within 5 years, making them public domain under 1980s copyright law. The Noid's video games did have proper copyright attribution however, and the Noid's toys and a single newspaper print advert featuring him did recieve copyright registrations.

See Also[]
