Public Domain Super Heroes
Public Domain Super Heroes
Perimeter Patrol

Real Name

Perimeter Patrol

First Appearance

Amazing Adventures #5 (Oct.-Nov. 1951)

Original Publisher


Created by

Murphy Anderson



Perimeter Patrol salute

The Perimeter Patrol is responsible for guiding the hundreds of tiny planets (including Rondos, where they are based, as well as Gykos, Malooka, Menos, Pako, Xarpot, Rako, Zaloo, and Danaron) on the outer fringe of our solar system.

The patrol operates on a code: Treating planet natives and fellow patrolmen is of great importance, as is obedience to orders. If a patrolman gets "space sickness", a type of mental breakdown, he is set adrift in a "space lifeboat" to die.



Perimeter Patrol dress uniform


The Perimeter Patrol dress uniforms are black, red, and yellow.


mission uniform

Mission uniforms are more casual yet maintain the red, black, and yellow color scheme, though the color arrangement differs. The mission uniforms will sometimes be worn with a red cape and a red beret.


expedition wear

A third uniform for exploratory missions on planets is of rugged, green, and yellow construction. Green short pants and green short-sleeved shirts are accented by yellow belts of cloth, yellow backpacks, and helmets.

Public Domain Appearances[]

  • Amazing Adventures #5-6


  • Originally, the Perimeter Patrol's logo was a backward letter "P" next to a regular letter "P". In a later story, the backward and forward "P" are replaced by a vertical line surmounted with an oval shape.