Public Domain Super Heroes
The Reaper Rabbit
Jack Arc III- Trixi and Tet cover

Real Name


First Appearance

Arc I: Fnar the Unborn (2001)

Created by

David Hopkins


A rabbit version of the Grim Reaper and the embodiment of Wrath, Jack is a former mortal that committed such heinous crimes in life that he became the very embodiment of the sin he had committed. Most of his stories take place in the afterlife or involve death in some form.

Unlike other depictions of the Grim Reaper, Jack cannot kill everything in one hit, usually wining through tenacity and skill. He may be a demon, but is more or less on the good side, helping God and her angels as well as genuinely caring for the good souls he reaps and guides to judgement in the afterlife.


Jack in contemplation.

Those souls who are clearly evil, however, tend to learn why he has been designated as Wrath. Even in death, if he embraced his wrath, his fury would sweep the floor with all the other sins and pose a threat to any and all adjacent angels if he ever fully lost control of it. His fear of loosing control is the one thing keeping his power at bay.

Later revelations about Jack's past indicate that he was the first scientifically engineered furry (anthropomorphic animal). During his teen years, he suffered a horrible tragedy, being mentally tampered with by Dr. Kane and the other scientists, and losing the love of his life, Jill, in a horrific way but being unable to help. Out of revenge, he wiped out the human population and shattered time itself. God had to intervene and restore everything because the devastation he caused to the cosmos was so tremendous. The consequence for Jack is being unable to remember his life on Earth. Due to his self-inflicted amnesia, he cannot remember his misdeeds and truly repent for them, denying him the "out" of repentance and forgiveness that other denizens of Hell have.

Public Domain Appearances[]

  • Jack


See Also[]
