Public Domain Super Heroes

Real Name


First Appearance

Weird Mysteries #2 (December 1952)

Original Publisher

Stanley Morse

Created by

Basil Wolverton


Robota melted

A disfigured but devoted Robota guards the skeletal remains of her creator.

Robota was a mechanical mate constructed brilliant scientist Fozzmo. He built her because while he had a brilliant mind, his body was ugly. Fozzmo programs her to only react to his voice and commands, but she becomes too devoted and clingy preventing the scientist from working.

In a fit of rage, Fozzmos damages Robota by knocking her into a heating unit causing her synthetic flesh to melt. Fozzmo horrified by her new appearance backs away from her and falls into deadly acids.

Later a burglar breaks into Fozzmo's lab to rob it only to find the scientist's skeleton guarded by his disfigured but devoted robot.

Public Domain Comic Appearances[]

  • Mister Mystery #18 (Reprints Story from Weird Mysteries #2)
  • Weird Mysteries #2

See Also[]
