Public Domain Super Heroes
Slinky Dog
1952 box featuring the original Toy.

Real Name


First Appearance

Slinky Dog print advertisements (1952)

Original Publisher

James Industries

Created by

Helen Herrick Malsed

Springy 5680


Zig-zag 5570 Slinky Dog is a classic pull toy introduced in 1953 by James Industries, resembling a Daschund with a metal slinky for a body, allowing it to stretch and retract. The front and back halves of the dog are made of painted wood or plastic, connected by the slinky coil. Slinky Dog's design enables it to perform simple movements and follow a child when pulled by a string attached to its front.

Another 5580


  • The copyrights for the original Slinky Dog were not renewed in 1980.
  • Slinky dog is still trademarked, so the name can only be used within the interior of a story, not to promote an unrelated brand.

See Also[]
