Public Domain Super Heroes

Real Name

None (species)

First Appearance

The Sneetches, Redbook Magazine (July 1953)

Original Publisher

McCall Corp.

Created by

Theodor Seuss Geisel


The Sneetches are a race of "Sort-of-Birds" living on the beach of Aw-WahHoo - they are divided into two fractions, Star-Bellies and Plain-Bellies - Star-Bellies frown upon Plain-Bellies and refuse to invite them for fun and games, leading Plain-Bellies to retaliate with violence. Both fractions are completely unaware that they have no differences whatsoever beyond their star-shaped marks.


The version in the public domain, Redbook Magazine, July 1953.


  • The original Redbook magazine version of Sneetches was not renewed. The more well-known book version, which features a travelling salesman with a tattoo machine and a happy ending, was.