Public Domain Super Heroes
Public Domain Super Heroes

Real Name

Bob Morgan

First Appearance

Wonder Comics #1 (May 1944)

Original Publisher


Created by

Al Camy


Robert "Bob" Morgan was a performer, who went under the name Spectro the Mind Reader while performing his act. However his skills were no hoax, Spectro was the descendant of a real sorcerer from the 17th century who was burned at the stake after being accused of performing black magic.

During one notable performance of his mind reading act, a man murdered a woman and then committed suicide. Another member of the audience taunted Spectro into solving the crime. Spectro discovered, however, that this man was an agent of a villain called the "Professor" sent to monitor the killer, who had been hypnotised. Spectro managed to prevent the Professor from stealing Professor Strogoff's short-wave hypnotiser.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Spectro possessed telepathy and could also judge souls. If he found a soul filled with evil, he brought them to justice.

Public Domain Appearances[]

  • Wonder Comics #1-8, 15-16
  • Black Terror #25


See Also[]
