Public Domain Super Heroes

Cthulhu isn't public domain. Just wanted to point that out. --"Henry Medals" (Talk | Contributions) Not that anyone cares 04:14, May 30, 2012 (UTC)

Would you care to elaborate? As I understand it, Call of Cthulhu was never renewed, and it would only matter if Weird Tales was renewed, if the owners could produce a contract in which HP specifically signed over more than First Printing rights, which is highly unlikely. If HP were alive, he would encourage other writers to use his characters. Chaosium, WizKids, and Steve Jackson games, as well as several comic companies have used Cthulhu and other Lovecraft characters with total impunity. So what makes you think that any one person owns the copyrights? I absolutely do care....


Wait... never mind. Whenever I find something that says Cthulhu is public domain, I also find something that says it isn't. That's the only reason I said anything.

Also, do you realize that you responded to my signature? --"Henry Medals" (Talk | Contributions) Not that anyone cares 00:41, June 2, 2012 (UTC)

No problem. I try to be accurate, but my time and sources are limited when I do my research. I rather you say something if you think there is a problem. So, on Cthulhu, I was wondering if you had information that I did not. As far as I know, it's safe to use it. You have to really scrutinize Internet sources, because there are vested interests in either side of a copyright debate, and there are a lot of uninformed people who make assertions without really understanding what copyright and trademark really is (there are a painful number of people who still think copyright is based on how long it's been since a character was last used, when in fact it has nothing to do with that).

I did realize I was responding to your signature. In general, I do care, unless it has something to do with reality TV or celebrity news. Then I don't. But, when it comes to copyright issues, I definitely do.

