Public Domain Super Heroes

Real Name

Jack Tamor

First Appearance

X-Venture #2 (Nov. 1947)

Original Publisher

Victory Magazine

Created by

Robert Pious


The man known as Jack Tamor was on the trail of Hans Odin, a commander of a Nazi prisoner of war camp who fled to Africa to escape justice after the war. Tamor's brother died in this camp and he wanted revenge. Jack discovered that Hans Odin had become councilor to the native tribe, the Bar-Ongi of the Congo through treachery .

Enslaved by Odin he is thrown into a cavern with other slaves including Ayiila, leader of the slaves. The following morning he manages to break free and escapes into the jungle. later he returns to set all of Odin's slaves free and they rebel against the councilor who is killed in the battle. Tamor was disgusted with civilization and decided to live in the jungle from now on like Tarzan. The beautiful blonde Ayiila, went with him.

Public Domain Appearances[]

  • X-Venture #2

See Also[]
