Public Domain Super Heroes
The Tooth Fairy
Tooth fairy

Real Name

(Sometimes given as) Flossie

First Appearance


Created by



The Tooth Fairy originates from Europe, wherein, when the child's sixth tooth falls out, he or she is rewarded with a gift.

Other versions have children gifted when any tooth comes out.

Powers and Abilities[]

It is generally accepted that the Tooth Fairy has an extraordinary expertise for stealth and invisibility. He/she also possesses flight via wings on his/her back.

Public Domain Appearances[]

Literary appearances[]

  • 'Tooth Fairy' - The Chicago Daily Tribune (27 Sept. 1908 - letter by Lillian Brown)
  • “I Have to Know 57 Trades in Order to Run My House,” by Helen Davenport Gibbons (June 1925)

Theatrical and musical appearances[]

  • The Tooth Fairy (playlet), by Esther Watkins Arnold (1927)


  • A 1984 study revealed that 74% of those surveyed believe the Tooth Fairy to be female, 6% believe male, with the rest undecided.
  • A 2011 study found that American children receive $2.60 per tooth on average. Compare this to 1925, when Cosmopolitan wrote “We have a tooth fairy in our house who … can turn a tooth into a dime overnight.”

See Also[]
