Public Domain Super Heroes

Real Name

North-Going Zak and South-Going-Zak

First Appearance

The Zaks, Redbook Magazine (March 1954)

Original Publisher

McCall Corp.

Created by

Theodor Seuss Geisel


The Zaks are two different Zak, which one is a North-Going Zak and the other is a South-Going-Zak. They are both very stubborn and arguable along with having messy hair and hairy bodies.

A North-going Zak and a South-going Zak meet face to face on the Prairie of Prax. Each asks the other to make way, but neither budges, saying it is against their upbringing to move any other way. Because they stubbornly refuse to move (east, west, or any direction except their respective headings) to get past each other. The two Zak then face off against each other standing infant of each other as The Zak stand so long that eventually they die.

Zaks redbook

The version in the public domain, Redbook Magazine, March 1954.


  • The original Redbook magazine version of Zaks was not renewed. The more well-known book version, renamed Zaxs along with a city being built over them still alive was.